About Us
We are Intertravel Sky Peru, a team committed to providing the best tourist service to clients, with respect, responsibility, honesty, agility and opportunity, satisfying their needs and providing memorable experiences with varied and personalized packages at competitive prices, to consolidate ourselves in the market. through time.
To be Leaders in the Tourism Sector of Cusco by 2027, distinguished by the quality service we provide from the best people and innovating to break the barriers of traditional Services.
Provide quality services to the client with efficiency and effectiveness that helps us differentiate our services from other operators, in order to reach market leadership.
Through D.S. No. 005-2020-MINCETUR, the Regulations for travel and tourism agencies were approved; which states, among other provisions, that every travel and tourism agency is obliged to register in the National Directory of Qualified Tourist Service Providers before the regional government of its jurisdiction.
Therefore, through R.M. No. 061-2021-MINCETUR, the badge was approved to identify only travel and tourism agencies that have complied with registering in the aforementioned directory.

We are a service organization that offers a quality service, a result that derives from a memorable experience that surpasses the expectation of the client and reliable.
To try in this effort to offer services in accordance with what is requested by the client with the philosophy "THE CLIENT IS ALWAYS THE FIRST" formed by an integrated human team, well trained, rewarded and fully committed to our culture and organizational values.
Our employees, customers and suppliers are our strategic partners, as stories, we must create and maintain conditions of mutual respect and trust, promoting continuous improvement and ensuring the effectiveness of our integrated system of management.
Likewise, we will frame our activities in values such as responsibility, respect, transparency and permanent communication, promoting participation, creativity, flexibility of our collaborators to achieve market leadership, as well as company resources and incentivizing the plans of growth that allow us to maintain competitiveness and be at the forefront of technology.
We are committed to fostering a healthy and safe work environment for all, identifying hazards and permanently assessing risks in order to prevent occupational injuries and diseases, seeking appropriate and improved safety and health at work, complying with national laws and other laws applicable to the correct development of our activity.
We are aware that compliance is balanced with our economic, social and environmental responsibilities, based on sustainability criteria that allow us to achieve our objectives without affecting the ecosystem and protecting the natural and cultural heritage.
In Inter Travel Sky Peru and tourism Cusco we develop our activities Values are framed in commitment, honesty, responsibility, respect, transparency and fluid and permanent communication. We promote good treatment and quality service to the client, recognizing the work of the collaborators and providing incentives to promote the promotion of the company mouth to mouth.
Organizational Values
- Puntuality.
- Respect for Partners.
- A Service is given with honesty and transparency.
- Teamwork.
- Responsibility.
- Spirit of overcoming.